KG Theaters was started with one goal in mind. To finally be able to take care of my clients the way I wanted to take care of them. To give them the utmost in service and support without worrying too much about the all mighty dollar. I wanted to allow my clients to engage me in any manner of projects from man caves, custom car libraries, Spin Studios, Majestic Conference Rooms, to Home Theaters to your very own old fashioned arcade. If you can dream the space up I have the ability to design it and dream right along with you and then I have the team in place to put it all together. If you want a seasoned veteran of the Audio Video, Property Manage and Design world to help you make your dream a reality I am here for you.
I have been designing and installing Audio Video and Automation systems in the Austin area for the last 25 years. My career spans three companies. I have maintained many of my clients through all those years and for that I am grateful. I have developed a reputation for attention to detail, careful planning and reliability. If you call me I show up. I answer my phone no matter how small the project is I am there for you the client. I also answer my phone on weekends and after hours.
Without my loyal clients my way of life would not have been possible. I enjoy so much getting to work with a quality group of people. My goal is to make life easier for my clients. Make technology accessible and easy to use everyday. My greatest complement is when a client of mine calls me back out to explain more features or when I show up and it's obvious they have been using the system. That speaks volumes to me. Give me an opportunity to meet your Audio Video needs. I will do my best to help you and if I can't, I will find someone for you who can help you.
Kyle Griffith
Custom Audio Video Designer
Look..this is me. I get dirty, I get involved. Once we start a project I am involved every step of the way...I got your back!
We would love to come visit you soon! for your free in home consultation just call or e-mail us to setup a time!
HoursM-F: 9am - 5pm
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